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Online Learning Java, Python, Spring Boot, HTML5, CSS, React, JavaScript, PHP, Laravel, Django, AWS, Kinesis, Apache Kafka, AWS S3, Spring Framework


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Bootstrap Examples
Bootstrap Examples

Explore a variety of Bootstrap examples that not only showcase the framework's features but also offer practical solutions to common web development challenges.

HTML Examples
HTML Examples

Designed to provide developers with real-world examples of HTML code.

Java Interview Questions
Java Interview Questions

This guide has been meticulously designed to provide aspiring Java developers with a comprehensive overview of the most commonly asked questions during interviews. Whether you're preparing for your first job interview or looking to refresh your knowledge, this resource aims to equip you with the essential insights and answers you need.

Software Engineering
Software Engineering

Software engineering is a systematic approach to designing, developing, testing, deploying, and maintaining computer applications to solve real-world problems by adhering to a set of engineering principles and practices. It involves a disciplined and organized approach to software development. It's not just about coding; it's a holistic process that encompasses everything from understanding user requirements to creating reliable, efficient, and scalable software solutions while also ensuring budget efficiency.

Java Installation
Java Installation

JDK stands for Java Development Kit. JDK is required for writing, compiling and running a Java program.


HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. HyperText are text that contains links to other text or information. Markup means to structure or construct in a specific format. HTML is called HyperText Markup Language because it is a language for converting ordinary text into useful information on the internet.


Angular is an open-source web development framework which is written in TypeScript. It is designed for building scalable single page web applications using TypeScript, CSS, and HTML.


This tutorial is designed to help beginners learn about blockchain technology, starting with the basics and gradually developing a blockchain application.