C++ Basic Concepts Explained

  • Last updated Apr 25, 2024

When venturing into the world of programming, especially for beginners, C++ often stands out as a prominent choice. It's known for its power, versatility, and a vast array of applications. To get started with C++, it's crucial to grasp the fundamental concepts that form the building blocks of this programming language. In this article, we will explore some of the essential C++ concepts that every beginner should understand.


Syntax is a rule and regulation for writing a statement in any programming language. It is like a grammatical rule which defines the structure of a program. Every programming language has their own unique syntax, C++ also has its own syntax.

Libraries and Header Files

C++ comes with a rich standard library that offers pre-written functions and classes for various purposes. You can include these libraries using header files, such as <iostream>, for input and output operations. Understanding how to leverage libraries can save you time and effort.

A header file contains the definitions of predefined functions, which can be imported or included using the preprocessor directive #include. It is typically placed at the top of a C++ program. In our example code below, we import the <iostream> header file, which provides fundamental input and output streams for programs. The <iostream> header file is part of the C++ standard library, and it uses the cin and cout methods for input and output.


#include <iostream>

In C++, a namespace is a part of a code that provides a scope to the identifiers like functions, the name of types, classes, variables, etc. Namespaces are used to organize code logically and avoid name conflicts, which are especially likely to happen when your code base contains several libraries.


using namespace std;
Variables and Data Types

In C++, a variable is a container name given to a location in computer memory to store and retrieve data. Every variable must have a unique name to identify the storage location. Each variable has a data type that specifies the kind of data it can hold. Common data types include int (for integers), double (for floating-point numbers), and char (for characters). Understanding data types is crucial as it influences memory allocation and data manipulation.


// Data type declaration with variables
int age = 28;          // Integer variable 'age' with value 28
double pi = 3.14159;   // Double-precision floating-point variable 'pi' with value 3.14159
char grade = 'A';      // Character variable 'grade' with value 'A'
bool isActive = true;  // Boolean variable 'isActive' with value 'true'

In C++, a variable declaration should always start with a declaration of datatype, followed by variable name.


A function is a block of code used to perform a specific task. In C++, there is a function called the main function, which is an essential part of a program. It serves as the entry point of a C++ program and is the first function called when the program runs. The main() function can be found in every C++ program.


// Function definition
int add(int a, int b) {
    return a + b;
Control Structures

C++ offers various control structures, including conditional statements (like if and switch) and loops (such as for and while). These structures help you control the flow of your program, making decisions and repeating tasks as needed.

Pointers and References

Pointers and references allow you to work directly with memory addresses. They are powerful but require careful use to avoid memory leaks and program crashes. Pointers are often used in scenarios where you need direct memory manipulation.

Blocks and Semicolons

Blocks are groups of statements that are written within { } braces. Semicolons are used to terminate statements . When there is a semicolon in the statement, the compiler knows it is the end of the statement and moves to the next line.


Keywords are reserved words that have special meaning to the compilers. In C++ there are 95 keywords. For example, int, using, return, void are some keywords used in the above program.


In C++, you can use double slashes (//) for single-line comments and /* */ for multi-line comments. Comments in a program are ignored by the compiler. Comments are used for documentation and to make the code more understandable for humans, but they have no impact on the actual execution of the program. The compiler skips over comments when processing the code, so they don't affect the program's behavior. This allows programmers to include explanations, notes, and annotations within the code without affecting the program's functionality.

// This is a single-line comment
int x = 70; // You can add comments at the end of a line of code

 This is a
 multi-line comment.
int y = 90; /* You can also use multi-line comments on a single line */
Error Handling

Every programmer encounters errors. C++ provides mechanisms for handling errors, such as exception handling with try, catch, and throw statements. Proper error handling makes your programs more robust.

C++ Code Explanation

The following is a simple C++ program that adds values of two variables and prints the result to the console:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
    int num1 = 24;
    int num2 = 34;
    int result = num1 + num2;
    cout << result << endl;
    return result;

Here's an explanation of the above code:

  • #include <iostream> -  This line includes the C++ standard library header<iostream>, which is necessary for input and output operations.
  • using namespace std; - This line declares the usage of the std namespace. It simplifies access to standard C++ library functions by allowing you to omit the "std::" prefix when using them.
  • int main() { } - This line declares the main function. The main function is the entry point of the program. It's where the program execution begins. In C++, a function, such as int main(), is always enclosed within open and close curly braces. This is where the program's logic is written.
  • int num1 = 24; - This line declares an integer variable num1 and initializes it with the value 24.
  • int num2 = 34; - This line declares an integer variable num2 and initializes it with the value 34.
  • int result = num1 + num2; - This line calculates the sum of num1 and num2 and stores the result in the integer variable result of int type. In this case, result will have the value 58 (24 + 34).
  • cout << result << endl; - This line uses the cout stream to output the value of the result variable (which is 58) to the console. The endl adds a newline character for formatting, so "58" is displayed on the console followed by a line break.
  • return result; - The program returns the value of the result variable (which is 58) as its exit status to the operating system. This value can be used to indicate the program's success or status when it exits.