Understanding Lists in C++

  • Last updated Apr 25, 2024

Lists in C++ are versatile and essential data structures that can help you manage collections of data efficiently. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced programmer, understanding lists is crucial for building robust applications. In this tutorial, we'll explore what lists are, how to use them, and when they're the best choice for your programming needs.

What is a List in C++?

In C++, a list is a data structure that stores a collection of elements in a non-contiguous manner. Unlike arrays with fixed sizes, lists offer dynamic sizing, allowing you to add or remove elements without the constraints of predefined sizes. This flexibility makes lists a preferred choice for managing data in a variety of scenarios.

Types of Lists in C++

C++ offers several types of lists, each with its own unique features. Two of the most commonly used list types are:

  1. std::list: This is a doubly-linked list that allows for efficient insertions and deletions in constant time. It's an excellent choice when elements need to be frequently added or removed.
  2. Here's an example of how to use std::list from the C++ Standard Template Library (STL) to manage a list of integers:

    #include <iostream>
    #include <list>
    int main() {
        // Create a list of integers
        std::list<int> myList;
        // Insert elements at the back of the list
        // Insert elements at the front of the list
        // Insert an element at a specific position
        std::list<int>::iterator it = myList.begin();
        std::advance(it, 2); // Move iterator two positions forward
        myList.insert(it, 25);
        // Display the elements in the list
        std::cout << "Elements in the list: ";
        for (const auto& element : myList) {
            std::cout << element << " ";
        std::cout << std::endl;
        // Remove elements from the list
        myList.pop_back(); // Remove the last element
        myList.pop_front(); // Remove the first element
        it = myList.begin();
        std::advance(it, 2); // Move iterator to the third element
        myList.erase(it); // Remove the element at the third position
        // Display the updated list
        std::cout << "Updated list: ";
        for (const auto& element : myList) {
            std::cout << element << " ";
        std::cout << std::endl;
        return 0;

    In this example, a std::list named myList is created to store integers. Elements are added to the list using push_back, push_front, and insert methods. The elements are then displayed, and some elements are removed using pop_back, pop_front, and erase. std::list allows for efficient insertions and deletions at any position within the list, which makes it a valuable data structure for managing dynamic collections of data.

    The output of the above code is as follows:

    Elements in the list: 15 5 25 10 20 30 40 
    Updated list: 5 25 20 30
  3. std::forward_list: This is a singly-linked list that is more memory-efficient than std::list but doesn't support bidirectional traversal. It's a suitable choice when memory usage is a concern.
  4. Here's an example of how to use std::forward_list from the C++ Standard Template Library (STL) to manage a forward singly-linked list of integers:

    #include <iostream>
    #include <forward_list>
    int main() {
        // Create a forward_list of integers
        std::forward_list<int> myList;
        // Insert elements at the front of the list
        // Display the elements in the list
        std::cout << "Elements in the list: ";
        for (const auto& element : myList) {
            std::cout << element << " ";
        std::cout << std::endl;
        // Remove elements from the list
        myList.pop_front(); // Remove the first element
        // Insert elements after a specific position
        std::forward_list<int>::iterator it = myList.begin();
        std::advance(it, 1); // Move iterator one position forward
        myList.insert_after(it, 15);
        myList.insert_after(it, 25);
        // Display the updated list
        std::cout << "Updated list: ";
        for (const auto& element : myList) {
            std::cout << element << " ";
        std::cout << std::endl;
        return 0;

    In this example, a std::forward_list named myList is created to store integers. Elements are added to the list using push_front and insert_after methods, which allow you to insert elements at the front or after a specific position. The elements are then displayed, and some elements are removed using pop_front. std::forward_list is a singly-linked list, which is more memory-efficient than a doubly-linked list but only allows forward traversal. It's useful in situations where you don't need to traverse backward.

    The output of the above code is as follows:

    Elements in the list: 40 30 20 10 
    Updated list: 30 20 25 15 10
Basic Operations on Lists

Here are some fundamental operations you can perform on lists in C++:

  1. Insertion: Adding elements to the list at a specific position or the beginning.
  2. Deletion: Removing elements from the list, whether it's a specific element, a range of elements, or the entire list.
  3. Traversing: Accessing of elements by iterating through elements in the list using iterators.
  4. Sorting: Arranging the list elements in ascending or descending order.
  5. Merging: Combining two sorted lists into a single sorted list.
When to Use Lists

Lists are an ideal choice in situations where:

  1. Frequent insertions or deletions are expected.
  2. The size of the data collection is unknown or can change over time.
  3. You need a memory-efficient data structure for smaller memory footprints.
  4. Maintaining a sorted order of elements is essential.
Example Code

Here's a real-world example that demonstrates how lists in C++ can be used to manage a playlist of songs in a music player application:

#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <string>

// Define a Song structure
struct Song {
    std::string title;
    std::string artist;
    int duration; // in seconds

int main() {
    // Create a playlist using a C++ list
    std::list<Song> playlist;

    // Add songs to the playlist
    playlist.push_back({ "Song 1", "Artist A", 180 });
    playlist.push_back({ "Song 2", "Artist B", 240 });
    playlist.push_back({ "Song 3", "Artist C", 210 });

    // Display the playlist
    std::cout << "Playlist:\n";
    for (const Song& song : playlist) {
        std::cout << song.title << " by " << song.artist << " (" << song.duration << " seconds)\n";

    // Add a new song to the playlist
    playlist.push_back({ "Song 4", "Artist D", 300 });

    // Play the songs in the playlist
    std::cout << "\nNow playing:\n";
    for (const Song& song : playlist) {
        std::cout << "Playing: " << song.title << " by " << song.artist << "\n";
        // Simulate the song being played for 'duration' seconds

    return 0;

In this example, we create a list of Song structures to represent the playlist. Songs are added to the playlist, and their details are stored as elements in the list. We can easily display the playlist and add new songs using the list's built-in functions. We simulate playing each song in the playlist based on their durations.

Using a std::list in this music player application allows you to efficiently manage the playlist, including adding, removing, and traversing songs, as well as playing them in the desired order. This demonstrates how lists in C++ are useful for handling collections of items, especially when dynamic changes are common, as is the case with a playlist.

The output of the above code is as follows:

Song 1 by Artist A (180 seconds)
Song 2 by Artist B (240 seconds)
Song 3 by Artist C (210 seconds)

Now playing:
Playing: Song 1 by Artist A
Playing: Song 2 by Artist B
Playing: Song 3 by Artist C
Playing: Song 4 by Artist D